Future War

Submitted by jonkimsr on Wed, 02/23/2022 - 03:27

War is .. inevitable

It is the ultimate way to determine the winner.

It is inevitable because the winner always rots from the inside and collapses. Only way to replace it is not reform but revolution. 

War is not kind. Especially to the commoners. 

Future war will only be more brutal. 

Only remedy to war is singular super power. A Superman. 

Can there be peace on earth was one of the lifelong question I was going to have answer to. And answer came in relatively quick by mid 30. It was just obvious. World Peace and end of war is possible, If I am superman. There will be corruption and evil hands all over but war won't happen. No one can challenge superman. 


I didn't think I will see WW3 in my lifetime even 5 years ago. Fucking American Democrats changed all that. Now, I see WW3 in my lifetime. 

As soon as America became only super power. The evil rotted the nation from the core through Democrats. Fuck Democrats. Fuck everyone of them. Evil fuckers. One of the most evil in annals of history it will be written. Every fucking one of the Democrats. 

Of all nation, America brought end to Democracy which I refer not a individual voting power but a government that enriches and enpowers people. And end of it is sweeping across the entire globe. There is not one nation now with democracy except for few very small and wealth states. All world is now crumbling under the weight of communists empowered with western money and network created through that money all over the globe. Only way this will end well is if those that are connected are forcible removed and extricated to China and I do not see that happening as they are now the ruling class with majority sheeples. 

Free people will fight they won't go down with a fight as free people always have. Freedom and Democracy was always built on those that bleed. 

There will be ocean of blood. 

How will WW3 go? It won't go with nuclear explosion. There won't be nuclear deterrance. Nuclear power is only useful to those who are determined to protect Liberty with their lives. Those commuists collaborators are already sold out. They will willingly hand over the key. 

How will WW3 go? It will go with fear and targeted killing. 

Terminator came from future and targeted a single person. The person will be half the population and that fear will be maintained under the threat of death. And Democracy will rein supreme. There will be 99% support of all government initiative and everyone elected will have 99% support of the voters and all project will be supported by 99% of the populaton. It will be a perfect union. 

How will WW3 go? It won't be war. Why waste peasants.. Communists needs workers. Because they are building workers paradise. It will be done by destroying Truckers and working class so they have to be dependant of the government. 

It will all be done through democracy. America is already under communist control. 

We had been in war last 20 years. And we already lost. 

This war is not the kind that ends. Because it will be fear that maintains every order. How do you create that fear. AI and drones. It won't be individual solders who can think that will be coming after you. It will be AI controlled drones that will come after. It will be perfectly suited because it does not think and it does not decide. It strictly follow given order. 

Imagine a war where there is one drone for every voter. With a click of a button a drone can within couple of minutes come to you and turn you into dust. That threat will not be visible you will just hear some people disappearing. And you will follow strict guidance of the state. In China, there were 3051 drone show. All controlled by computer to maneuver. That is peanuts. Give resources, we now have ability to have drone for every citizen and monitor every individuals and kill them if needed. There is no defense against this. Nuclear Aircraft carrier only carry 75 aircrafts with 5000 personnel. How can it defend itself from 5000 c4 ladden drones attacking directly and going for each crew? It can't. 

Currently cost of a drone is about $1000. That's without scale. I can clear see ability to produce $100 drone that can kill an invidual few miles away. 5"x5" package. It might be able to get much smaller maybe less than 1"x1". A Single Transport plane can spray 10,000 of this. Each exploding 1 person at a time. Thats at the cost of $1 million per 10,000 death. 

There wont' be fighting. No rebel can fight such technology. 

One of the scariest thing currently is battery technology. AI and Drone technology is all ready for such tragedy. Battery isn't quite there yet. But that is being addressed. Source of power is energy. If you can concentrate enough energy even a single person can rule the world. 

Lesson of bitcoin is that if you have more computing power than the criminals you can retain integrity of an object but when the criminals gain significant processing power upperhand, your ledgers are useless garbage. 

Energy works the same way. When you have condensed power in hand, you get iron man. If I have ARC Reacter on me, I can power computers, EMP blasters, Ion Jet Propulsion, and run super computer attached to my body. There is nothing you can not do given enough energy. It is matter is size currently. You currently can only carry about 100wh battery. Imagine a world where everyone is carrying 1gw. That's enough to blow up a city block. And looks like we will get there in about 15-20 years.

I am not a pessimist. Most people think I am.I am just a realist. 

When there is power someone will take it. And only way to protect Liberty is through blood of those that are willing to die protecting it. And it took a lot of blood to create America and fucking Democrats took it away too easily. Fuck Democrats.. .Most evil sons of biatches.