Importance of Aspect Ratio

Submitted by jonkimsr on Sun, 12/05/2021 - 09:09

On an airplane, I had an opportunity to chat with a boy. He was flying to see his father. Question at the time was why do we need iPad, iPhone and MBP. Can't we just use iPhone for all things. 

It was a debate certain individuals were entertaining themselves with. 

Paper is a paper is a paper is a paper, isn't it? 


You see there are letter size paper. There are index cards, Ther are business cards. They are all just papers. Or are they. Only major difference is the size so why should I use letter size paper to take note. Use Index card for all. 

It does not make sense. 

Who knew it also applied to electronics. Devilish Steve Jobs did. He knew, you will need a phone, a watch, iPad and a laptop. They call it an eco-system. $5,000 present for Steve. That is if you are poor. 

I was told of a girl who lived with a phone. She watched her show on the phone. She did work. on her phone. She slept with it. Her only and most precious possession. 

Yes you can wipe your ass with notepad. As we have with American Yellow page. At one point, thick American Yellow Page was pride of a household in their outhouse in certain Asian country. Nailed to the wall, it provided over a thousand of wipes. You can wipe your ass with notepad. 

1080p are currently most popular screen for most of computers. 1080p is a TV aspect ratio. Computer professionally had the option of using 1920x1200 screen which provided 16:10 versus 16:9 which is 1080p aspect ratio. 

16:10 vs 16:9 what is the difference you may ask. I had used 16:10 for many years. Even I had to dump that for 4k screen. But productive gain from 16:10 was clearly noticeable when I worked. I scroll less and fumble around with windows less. I will even claim 15-30% productivity improvement against 1080p. With 4k It is quite a bit less. 

Can you just flip the monitor and use it horizontally? I am sure you can wipe side ways too. 

You will inevitably encounter aspect ratio. We now have ultra wide monitors available. 

Just remember you can wipe your ass with notepad.